1.02a: - Some files with certain attributes havent been backed up. Fixed - Non existing backup destinations now created 1.02: - Basename of Archives is now a (String-) property - If the backupdestination directory isnt existing it will created automatically - If C:\ is specified as backup destination it wont be cleared before backup even if fOverwrite is set. - new property filesInArchive shows after backup which files were actually backed up - method GetInfo builds a list of all files contained in all backup disks of a set. the resulting list is accessable via the FilesInArchive property - RemainingTime give an estimation of time to complete the current task - restore to different destination is possible 1.01: - Compiling with the -DSHAREWARE set compiles to a version only running under IDE - Original file attributes and timestaps will be restored. - Files to back up can now be defined in a TStringlist rather than in the old external textfile - Filenames can now contain wildcards to match more than one file - Subdir recursion - Lots of additional events to make the file selection process visable to the application / user - Critical error message handled by Ubackup if theres no disk in a removeable drive to backup to